I have to pick myself up by the psychological scruff of my neck to do three things.
One was back in seminary at SMU. And that was going to Chapel. Without fail, I had 20 other things I needed to do other than that. But I was always glad I went.
Hospital visits. They always take a lot of time, and again there are so many irons I have in the fire, that I can always find a reason not to . . . but invariably I am the one who gets the blessing by doing the visiting. That has happened so often that you'd think I'd learn by now.
Number three--going to the gymn. I hate it. In fact for some reason I woke up at 5:15 this morning and went in order to get it over with. I usually go late at night sometime after 8 p.m. But last night I was thoroughly and completely in a state of frustration trying to hook up a new amplifier/tuner I had bought for our home theatre system. It was enraging not having the logic go the way I thought it should. At one point things began to work OK, and then like a dew in the morning, it disappeared. I eventually got it fixed in a fashion by midnight, but I never, never thought it would EVER take THAT long. All of this is a long-winded way of saying that I missed working out last night (I usually go 3 times a week) . . . but . . . when I go, I always feel better afterwords.