You know, I try to keep this from just being a brag sheet . . . But I don’t try that hard . . . heh.
Well, as most of my readers know out there in the blogosphere, I try to work out at least 3 times a week. And lately, I’ve done pretty well at keeping to that schedule.
Well, I hit another milestone for me. I was able to do 5 chin-ups in a row. And I am not talking about the kind where you do one and then just get your head below the bar and do a second, etc. No, I mean I started out at a dead hang, did a chin up went back down arms fully extended, did a second, third, fourth, and then a fifth. Do you realize (or maybe I should say, "Do you even care . . . ") that it has been literally decades since I have ever been able to pull off that feat? In fact, I’ll bet it has been over 40 years since I have been able to do that. Was I impressed or what? (And anyone who says, "what" is in trouble with me).