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Posted by Allison Cambre on November 27, 2008 at 09:01 AM in Church, Health, Science | Permalink
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Tags: Church attendance, Health recovery, Mortality
Last night we went to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Greek Festival. Man, you talk about knowing how to do a fund raiser, it was phenomenal. Here were just a few of the things that impressed me:
I'll bet we spent over 2 hours there, and they got at least $70 out of us. On top of that it was absolutely an impulse decision for us to go. We were going to stay home and eat, but I had had my car in the J & T Automotive, and I gather that the people who run this place are Greek (the front desk woman's name means "wisdom" in Greek, the General Manager's last name means "God is with us" in the Greek form of the Hebrew, etc.) Anyway, as I was peeling off the bills to pay for my car repairs, the young man said he couldn't wait to go to the Greek celebration.
I said, "What celebration?"
"It's like a festival."
"On Yoakum Street."
"Where is that?"
"It's a little difficult to explain."
"Yeah? Well try."
Blank look.
"Is it connected with a church?
"Which one?"
His mind was whirring, and then he blurted out, "Annunciation!"
"They're having it tonight?"
I thought, Well that sounds like fun . . . but . . . I'll need to check in with the War Dept. first though to see if that is a possibility.
Posted by Allison Cambre on November 22, 2008 at 10:03 AM in Church, Current Affairs, Food and Drink, Houston, Religion | Permalink
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Tags: church, Fundraiser, Greek Orthodox, Houston