I know. It's half a dozen. It's the natural number between 5 and 7.
But it also happens to be the number of chin-ups I did in a row last Friday for the first time in over 40 years! (and this is a new sentence--I discovered after some research that this is my personal best EVER)
And I'm not talking about those kind of chin-ups where you jump up to the bar and on the momentum of the way up just happen to squeeze out one. I'm talking dead hang, to chin over the bar, back to dead hang.
How do I account for it? I changed up the way I have been working out. I still do cardio-vascular 3 times a week, but now I do weight 4 days a week in addition. And I have been doing weight exercises that have been targeting my bi's, delt's, and tri's. I no longer do sets of exercises, but use more weight for a single set of repetitions.